Hair extensions have been a trend in the fashion industry for decades now. It is more than just “hairâ€. Now, it is a vital part of fashion!
An accessory ladies use to enhance their looks and give their hair the richness it deserves. We only have to look as far as Malaysian virgin hair to see how stunning hair extensions can be.We all ogle at our TVs when a celebrity features and she’s wearing the most immaculate of locks.But don’t lose any sleep over this, the magic happens with extensions. Hair extensions come in different types, mainly virgin hair weaves and synthetic hair.
Extensions help you achieve whatever look you desire. If you just need your thinning hair to look fuller and glossier, or you want a fresh style for a function or something deluxe, you can count on hair extensions to deliver. But then there are people who just want to throw something on it and get it going – these people are lace wig people! If you are one, here’s a secret – you are not alone!
Now, having a string of options to choose from has always posed problems in life, women’s lives really. But in this article, we will help you narrow your options and let you figure out for yourself if you would prefer a virgin hair weave or a lace wig.Let’s get this party started!
We begin with virgin hair weaves!
These give the best impression of a natural look, but you must know that settling for a sew-in means settling for a little bit of commitment. When you install a virgin hair weave, it’s probably not going to come off before the next 30-90 days. Nobody wants to take out that shiny Malaysian virgin hair or dazzling Peruvian hair weave when it’s only a week in and risk ruining it.Although taking your weaves out wouldn’t be a problem if you installed them the right way in the first place but if you are one of those who want to go from Amber Rose to Kim Kardashian and back to Amber Rose again, then lace wigs should be your “go-to†option.
With lace wigs, there is more flexibility and room for creativity when styling your hair. Virgin hair weaves can be styled as you please too, but only before they have been installed. After then, you will have to commit to that particular style for a while. Weaves protect your natural hair giving it a break from the heat but not fixing your weave right or braiding hair too tight can result in hair loss. And let’s be honest – weaves can cost a fortune. If you do decide to settle for cheap hair, it might tangle, shed and look unattractive and unnatural eventually.
On the flip side, wigs present you with infinite styling options with little or no chance of hurting your natural hair.They may be time consuming to restyle but that’s only a little price to pay for its versatility. More importantly, they do not cost as much as it takes to buy and install a weave like a Malaysian virgin hair. If you manage to wash and style your wig as you should, they will be around for a long time, even the inferior ones. Plus, your natural hair gets to flourish without hindrance underneath a lace wig.It’s not all jolly with lace wigs though; they come with a lot of heat and will itch terribly when it is warm outside. You will have to reinstall every day because it is not as secure as getting your weave sewn in. Wigs are just great if you are one to switch up your hair style often.
So what are you going for? Lace wig or virgin hair weave?Let us know in the comment section!And please don’t forget to share this post with your friends.
14 comentarii
i would probably go on wigs because i like to chenge my style very often and it would be easier!
Such a great product! It’s very useful!
Chiar nu stiu daca as purta asa ceva 😍👍
Inca nu ma pot hotari intre cele doua. Dar cred ca le-as incerca pe ambele pentru o perioada, ca sa vad ce si cum.
O peruca mi se pare o idee intersanta, asa as putea sa vad ce ma avantajeaza.
Eu as opta pentru bucle ca să nu mai fiu nevoită să folosesc ondulatorul mereu.
Nu stiu ce as alege sincer, probabil cele din par natural.
To be honest, the beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, so I think my opinion doesn’t matter since everybody chooses what it’s fit for her. If I were young and beautiful again I would choose the third option form the series of four hair styles.
eu as vrea sa incerc…macar sa vad cu mi-0ar sta cu alta nuanta si alta coafura
Din pacate port parul desrul de scurt! Dar tare mult mi-ar placea sa incerc! Am comandat pentru fata mea! Abia astept sa le pipai! 😀
Both of them look very good.
Daca as avea extensii cred ca m-as face creata 🙂
Toate arata foarte bine!
Extensii nu cred ca mi-as pune, insa o peruca afro as incerca! :))
Daca este vorba sa-mi aduc un plus de frumusete si daca imi sta bine cu extensiile, de ce sa nu le incerc?